Some changes coming to dwnomad

It’s been a while since I’ve written about the blog since I’ve been busy with moving, a transfer, and actually writing the blog. My new home is quite conducive to blogging and dwnomad central (my den) is essentially set up, including most of my decorations since I got my horns, singing fish, and swords up yesterday.

I’m experimenting with some additional weekly segments to the blog, depending on how it works out the schedule could look like:

Sunday – A more substantial content post relating to the current series topic, if there is a series.
Tuesday – Science
Wednesday – Lighter content post
Friday – A cool video
Saturday – Satire

I’m not sure if anybody has noticed, but I have been covering the positions I identify with that where outlined in my post last month called, “Atheist Only Tells You What I’m Not.” Since these topics have proven to be quite substantial, don’t be surprised when I backtrack periodically to cover something I missed. In some cases it’ll be posts I wrote but skipped either intentionally or not. I’ve also kept it pretty academic since finishing the opening series, but there will be a few posts coming up that are a bit more personal. You may have seen hints of a post on secularism, I was experimenting with OpenOffice’s blog integration and didn’t expect the draft to actually post. That will be up on Sunday.

I also want to thank all of you for reading. I enjoy blogging, but you are the ones who give my hobby meaning.