I can’t believe this is real…

Apparently religion and it’s claims should be taken seriously in a scientific debate, even if the debate was over, what a few hundred years ago…

Yep, a Geocentrist conference. What’s next are Holocaust deniers, flat earthers, and creationists going to have their own conferences too…oh wait, they do.

Since there’s already a movement to teach the controversy regarding the evolution (science) and creation (religion) debate, we should add these other “controversies.”

(via Pharyngula)

Update – It looks like their bandwidth limit has been exceeded. Here’s a few sites that have limited caches of their material, I hope that they will resolve this issue:

Google cache of main page

In case they don’t, I’ll just explain a little more about it. This group is holding a conference in South Bend, IN where they are claiming that science and the Bible prove that the Earth is stationary at the center of the universe with everything else orbiting around it.