Hovind’s Theory

In the Tuesday segment my initial thought was to cover recent scientific discoveries, but it’s also of relevance to address and debunk pseudoscience. Kent Hovind, aka Dr. Dino, formerly of Creation Science Evangelism, is currently serving a 10 year sentence for tax fraud. This is a man for whom reason comes with much difficulty. Anyway, there is a great site that addresses the logical fallacies and factual errors of his work. The Hovind Theory is his version of how the flood accounts for the fossil record, geologic column, coal, geologic formations, etc. A lot of this material was familiar to me as I had heard many of these arguments growing up. So, for a succinct transcript of his theory with in line debunking check out:


If you would like to see the work of Dr. Dino and Dr. Dino, Jr. check out the Creation Science Evangelism site at:


Next week I will be sharing some good naturalistic science.

(Thanks to Jeff for the link.)