Any Questions?

One of the hopes I had with this blog was to open a dialogue, instead I haven’t gotten all that much feed back. There have been several comments and I have had a rather lengthy email exchange with one reader. On a few occasions I have invited readers or possible readers to be involved, perhaps even doing guest posts, but there weren’t any takers.

Rather than give up on this goal, I would like to suggest a new segment to the blog. This would be on Thursdays and I would post and respond to one or two reader emails. The reason why this is merely a suggestion and not an addition is that unless I get emails to respond to, I won’t be posting them.

So if you are interested, send an email to [email protected] with your question. Specify whether or not you want to be anonymous, if you have a link to your own blog you would like referenced, and any other privacy related details. As for the content of the question, if I need to edit it at all, I will send it back for review.

I hope to be answering your questions here this time next week!