The Flaw of the Scientific Method

Since most atheists (myself included) appeal to science as the primary source of knowledge of the world around us, I should acknowledge one inherent flaw in the scientific method: there are some things which cannot be tested.

Let’s consider a supernatural being (please note that I am not talking about the Christian God) which is either not present in our known dimensions or it’s location is unknown. Since there are no supernatural tests, the existence of this being cannot be directly tested.

Since there are no known direct tests for the existence of this being, there must be some secondary tests for its existence, after all that’s the same kind of thing that Astronomers use to find black holes. So examining claims of mystical experiences related to this being could suggest its existence, but there are conflicting claims of objectively equal validity relating to beings who’s existence would be mutually exclusive. Obviously, there is also the possibility that these experiences could be delusions created in the mind.

Since we don’t know where this being is or how to test for it’s existence there is no way to falsify its existence, that is, no way to prove that it does not exist.

This being I am describing is of course the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM). Since the existence of the FSM cannot be proven or disproven and there is no credible evidence of its existence, I feel safe to say, just as I’m sure all of you would, that we are justified in being skeptical of the existence of the FSM.

Everybody is skeptical of the existence of the Greek and Roman gods. Christians are skeptical of all gods but their own. Atheists are just skeptical of one more god.