Intro to Morality and Ethics

I ended up having to spend too much time at work last week and with packing up and tying up my loose ends in Washington, I haven’t had the time that I had hoped I would for the blog. Once I was loaded this afternoon I went a head and hit the road and I’m spending the night in Pendleton, OR. I have to say that U-Haul trailers suck to tow. Tomorrow is going to be lots of fun since I get to start out with climbing up Cabbage Hill then going over the Blue Mountains and through a bunch of really tight canyons with a bunch of road work.

Since I promised to start my series on morality and ethics, I am going to start with a few thought exercises for you.

1. Do you base your sense of morality on what you were taught or on your ethical consideration of the situation?
2. Do you think that there is such a thing as objective morality?
3. Do you think that people can be moral without a belief in God?
4. If you answered no to #3, then if you lost your belief in God would you go off on a theft, rape, and killing spree?

These topics and a few more are things that we will be covering in upcoming posts.