I’m Glad that’s Done!

I am really enjoying getting back to blogging, to be able to put my thoughts in writing then tweak, revise, refine, polish, then finally post them, it’ great. I should note that due to the precision with which it may convey my meaning you can expect me to use scholarly psychological, scientific, and theological terms on occasion. In the interest of literary flow or just because I can get carried away I may not offer a definition. I will try to link to the definition when I catch it, but if I don’t, then I recommend that you Google it.

I was interviewed for my favorite podcast recently and that was a good reminder of why I like expressing myself in writing. There were a few things that I said that I would have removed in the blog editing process. In spite of that, they are planing on having me on again.

The series on my deconversion is done. In spite of the fact that it didn’t take any more research than looking at some old papers I wrote, blog attempts I never posted, and email correspondence to ensure I had a few details right, it was very difficult to write since I’ve had to drag up memories of a very agonizing part of my life.

I have gotten a few thought provoking questions from a reader that I will spend the next month or two trying to address. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, if it’s substantial it may get a post or two. Keep in mind that I do have a job and some topics would require writing a book to address. Upcoming topics will include:

  • Epistemology and World View
  • Ethics and Morals
  • Issues of Historicity

Each of those will be multi-part series. Here is the release schedule that I am going to try to stick to:

Sunday – A longer more academic type post.
Wednesday – Random content, informational, political, news items, etc.
Friday – A lighter, sometimes satirical.

This schedule is subject to change without notice. Site maintenance posts may come at any time.